I’ve been working on a full length album over the last few years and it’s finally almost done. It’s a collection of tracks that I’m really proud of and showcase a range of emotions and electronic styles. From dark techno to experimental spoken word to electronic pop–all with my own poetry translated into lyrics. I’ve been researching the perfect outlet to release it on and am making some good progress on that front. I hope to have it out early in 2020.
In the last few years, I have also been focusing on building a live performance set using only hardware machines–a sampler, synth and vocal effects. I’ve been performing the set around Portland, and have gotten a great response. This has been a lifelong dream of mine to build a performance of this caliber.
Next Saturday on September 21, 2019, I will have the pleasure of sharing the stage with the famed Mark Hosler of Negativland, Daniel Menche and Neybuu among other stellar electronic artists. If you find yourself in Portland looking for a good show, please do come out to see us!